We are pleased to invite you to an insightful webinar on "CSR Strategies for CSOs" scheduled for June 7, 2024, at 11:30 AM. Kindly register click here

As an aggregator of knowledge, our endeavor will be on knowledge assimilation and transfer across stakeholders, fill knowledge gaps and build the nutrition narrative and create benchmarks. The Coalition will work with its members and strategic partners to harness the knowledge, evidences and transfer across clientele. Nutrition champions from the community will work as knowledge managers and aggregators. We will also focus on building capacities of the civil societies on research and evidence. The objective will be to build a repository of empirical data and at the same time an empowered and active community of knowledge workers. We feel that the call for a data revolution is not just about disaggregated data. It is also about handing over the ownership to the community. Our approach to building an evidence pipeline is therefore designed to address the structural causes of food insecurity. An operations research approach will enable course corrections to ensure impact is achieved and studied. The purpose will be to design and test practices, with time bound targets, that produce measurable behaviour changes, contribute to improve the nutritional status of the target population (impact evaluation), and are culturally sensitive, economically feasible, and technically practical. The Coalition based on the request of the national and state governments can facilitate/manage food and nutrition resource centers.

KP 1-Opportunities of integrating CMAM

KP 2 - Policy Brief_review of SNP model

KP 3- Discussion Paper on SAM

The Coalition will need to first conduct identification of sources to be leveraged for knowledge collation, these include Coalition research papers, nutrition data sources, member initiatives, govt. policies and schemes and sector reports. The Coalition will also need to facilitate design and maintenance of a KM portal and ensure effective capturing, archiving, and sharing of knowledge from multiple sources with members through the portal. The Coalition can explore the option of establishing such a portal in multiple languages to serve a wider audience within its membership. Moreover, the Coalition should also ensure coordination and linkage between knowledge management it undertakes and its other activities, especially advocacy, and state level expansion; i.e. it should ensure the knowledge gathered on its portal lends credibility to its efforts in advocacy and expansion in states. Also, the knowledge generated across activities and regions should get collaborated in the KM system in an efficient manner. As an aggregator of knowledge, the Coalition can work as a catalyst in providing strategic perspectives on effective use of resources by the development partners.

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